It was an unusual event, at least so I've been told. There are few days when CAJ is closed because of weather. We have just had our second day where school was closed. A few weeks ago, a typhoon went right over the Kanto Plain (Tokyo is located on the Kanto Plain) and last night and today Typhoon Wipha went over us. It began yesterday morning with the rain. It continued to rain heavily until early this morning, but during the night the winds also picked up. After the rain stopped, the winds continued until shortly after noon. At that point, I hopped on my bicycle and ran an errand, taking these pictures along the way. Here's an article about Typhoon Wipha: Japan Today. There are 17 people who died and still a number of people missing.
Usually this is fairly clean, but there were some branches and leaves all along the bicycle/walk path. |
I live near some hospitals and sometimes ride through because there is less traffic. |
I was surprised by the amount of branches and leaves on the road by the hospital. |
As I was sitting in my house listening to the rain and wind last night, I kept thinking about the passage in Matthew 7 about the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand. I kept singing the song in my head. It was the one I learned when I was very young. It reminded me to make sure I was on a firm foundation.
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