Today was supposed to be the day that I go down to the Canadian Embassy to hand in my passport so I can get a new one. Sometimes the best laid plans fall flat. So, what can you do? Make the best of a personal day...
Dishes drying in the trays. |
I have been meaning to do my dishes the last couple of days, but time just seemed to pass me by, so this morning, one of the first things I did was my huge pile of dishes.
Another thing I did was take a walk with Woman's and Man's best friend, Hana along the river.
Women's and Man's best friend, Hana! |
Walking along the Yanesegawa. |
I always find the walk along the river such a great opportunity to see God's handiwork, the beauty in creation.
Dogwood tree, British Columbia official flower. |
Dandelions! Weeds or flowers? :) |
Beautiful canopy. |
The duck just woke up! |
Another great reason to walk along the river, is it allows both Hana and I to wade into the water. We have this one spot where we usually go to wade. I wore the correct shoes today and was able to wade in with Hana.
Doesn't she look happy? |
After my walk with Hana, I went home to have some lunch and met up with a friend who has access to Yokota Air Force Base. We went out to Yokota and just hung out and had some Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
For dinner we went to Chili's where I had some tacos, yum! I am home now and getting my head around my school day tomorrow. I am thankful for this day!